Delivery: Online
College Credit: 4 credit hours
Estimated Length: 34 seat hours
Price: $910
Course Assessment/Equivalency Exam: $120
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The NCTI Advanced Technician course teaches the broadband technician about the application of elements and principals that support operation of most broadband cable headends. Transmission lines, radio wave propagation, antennas, microwave systems and satellite communications are fundamental topics that technicians working in the headend must understand. While digital TV signals have become commonplace, there remains the need to understand analog TV signal processing, analog video analysis and FCC proof-of-performance execution. Digital TV related elements and topics are covered in lessons on digital satellite receivers, digital modulators, digital processors and equipment connection protocols. The Advanced Technician course prepares the technician that has previously worked only in the field for the transition to working inside today’s sophisticated broadband cable headend.
Completion Time:
The estimated completion time for this course is 34 hours. The maximum allotted time is four months from enrollment.
- use this course to prepare for SCTE’s Broadband Transportation Specialist (BTS) and Broadband Telecom Center Specialist (BTCS) certifications
- earn four hours of college credit
- receive credit toward NCTI® Master Technician certification
- receive an industry-recognized NCTI certificate of graduation
Upon completing this course, students will be able to:
- describe how headend system components work together to process analog and digital television services
- apply governmental regulations and industry recommended practices to headend operation and maintenance
- define what transmission lines are and the categories of transmission lines
- describe how radio waves propagate over-the-air and through the atmosphere
- describe antenna principles and how they apply to different antenna types
- describe several applications of microwave communications and identify common microwave components
- describe the basic operation of satellite communications systems
- explain and apply headend theory of operation and how to connect analog and digital signal processing equipment
- explain and apply proper headend combining and distribution techniques to downstream and upstream signals
- describe various types of telecommunications transmission systems and their associated applications
- explain the NTSC analog video format
- explain and apply FCC Technical Standards measurement requirements and NCTA Recommended Practices
- configure a satellite receiver to receive programming
- explain and apply the different interconnection protocols used in the headend
Examining Transmission Lines
Defining transmission lines, reviewing characteristic impedance and adjusting transmission line characteristics
Understanding Radio Wave Propagation
Introduction to understanding wave propagation, discussing components of the electromagnetic wave and explaining radio wave propagation through the atmosphere
Examining Antenna Principles
Defining basic antenna concepts, detailing how antennas transfer energy and optimizing antenna performance
Investigating Antenna Types
Categorizing antenna types, enhancing antenna performance, identifying wide-bandwidth antennas and evaluating mobile antennas
Examining Microwave Applications
Reviewing microwave fundamentals, transporting microwave signals through waveguide and applying microwave communications in broadband cable networks
Examining Microwave Components
Routing microwave signals, assessing microwave diodes and creating and processing microwave signals
Delving into Satellite Communications
Discussing basic concepts of satellite communications, recognizing applications for satellite communications, explaining the technologies of satellite communications and dissecting ground-based satellite antenna operation
Analyzing Analog TV Signals
Introducing composite color video signal characteristics, examining synchronizing pulses, examining signal separation and exploring television test signals
Equipment Connection Protocols
Examining digital interconnection protocols, creating flexibility in the headed and explaining digital program insertion
Understanding Signal Processors
Examining the carrier frequency conversion process, examining the analog television channel processor and explaining the processing digitally modulated carriers
Modulating and Demodulating Analog TV Signals
Examining modulation and demodulation, describing analog television modulation, examining the modulator and examining the demodulator
Digital Integrated Receiver/Decoders
Detailing satellite signal reception, examining the receiver in the integrated receiver/decoder, examining the decoder in the integrated receiver/decoder and configuring the integrated receiver/decoder
Transcoding Digital Broadcast Channels
Examining digital broadcast television, distributing digital broadcast television services on the broadband cable system and discussing ancillary data
Digital Modulators
Examining digital modulators, examining conditional access and examining applications of digital modulators
Combining Broadband Signals
Describing passive signal combining devices, describing downstream combining and describing upstream signal distribution in the headend
Analog Video Measurements and Testing
Characterizing the baseband video signal, examining video test equipment and test signals, executing baseband video measurements and recognizing alternative baseband video test equipment
Planning and Executing FCC Proof-of-Performance Tests
Recognizing the FCC proof-of-performance testing requirements, applying the FCC proof-of-performance testing requirements to a broadband cable network, examining test descriptions and procedures, including the set-top box in the proof-of-performance test results and compiling the FCC proof-of-performance test results