Delivery: Online
Estimated Length: 1.5-2 seat hours
Price: $170.00
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Due to the ever-increasing use of wireless communications, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) designated a band of radio-frequency spectrum, from 3.5 gigahertz (GHz) to 3.7 GHz. This spectrum is used for a variety of mobile communications and is shared between government and private enterprises. This course will explain what Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) is and how spectrum sharing is accomplished.
Completion Time:
The estimated completion time for this course is 1.5-2 hours. The maximum allotted time is four months from enrollment.
- receive an industry-recognized NCTI certificate of graduation
Upon completing this course, students will be able to:
- explain how the United States federal government became involved in managing and controlling the spectrum
- describe how Microsoft influenced the communications industry and the management of the spectrum
- describe how developing a nationwide radio spectrum controller better utilizes spectrum
- understand the three-tier hierarchical structure of the CBRS methodology
- explain the CBRS Spectral Access System (SAS) and how it works
- identify the interfaces of the SAS and explain their basic functionality of each
- describe how CBRS is the baseline for using real-time spectrum management
Citizens Broadband Radio Service
Citizens broadband radio service (CBRS) overview, history of spectrum and the
federal government, early spectrum management systems, wireless innovation
forum spectrum management, CBRS hierarchical users, spectrum access system,
logical SAS functionality and CBRS as baseline functionality