Delivery: Online
College Credit: 1 credit hour
Estimated Length: 10 seat hours
Price: $405.00
The Broadband Network Overview course introduces employees to broadband cable systems, providing a general knowledge of broadband equipment, operation, terminology, and competitive services. Those taking this course will have a fundamental understanding of how broadband’s revenue-driving operations work, without being overburdened by too much information on technology. The text carefully explains and the graphics extensively illustrate how antennas, signal processing equipment, amplifiers, and other electronic devices work in the HFC network to process, control, and transport signals from the system headend to the customer premises equipment. Broadband cable’s competition is also discussed and compared to broadband cable services.
Completion Time:
The estimated completion time for this course is 10 hours. The maximum allotted time is four months from enrollment.
- understand the fundamental, revenue-generating services broadband business is providing for its customers
- more effectively function in a broadband industry environment
- more efficiently work with technical personnel
- compare and contrast broadband cable to its competition
- earn one hour of college credit
- receive credit toward NCTI Customer Care Master Representative certification
- receive credit toward NCTI Master Dispatcher Certification
- receive an industry-recognized NCTI certificate of graduation
Upon completing this course, students will be able to:
- explain the major functions that occur in a headend
- describe some of the drop system’s major components and their functions
- identify active and passive components of the trunk system
- describe how aerial and underground networks are constructed
- describe how radio frequency signals are combined
- identify test equipment used to verify proper system performance of the feeder system
- describe actions that contribute to making customer service a priority
- list the most common customer-provided equipment
- outline the major effects of the Telecommunications Act of 1996
Broadband Cable System Overview
Exploring the signal path, categorizing cable services and organizing departments for interaction
Understanding the Trunk System
Introducing the trunk, identifying trunk system components, constructing the plant and maintaining the trunk
Understanding the Feeder System
Introducing the feeder, describing feeder components and maintaining the feeder
Installing at the Drop
Preparing a quality install, performing the aerial drop install and performing the underground drop install
Understanding Competitive Services
Summarizing the competitive background, examining communications competition today and discovering future competitive services