Delivery: Online
College Credit: 3 credit hours
Estimated Length: 45 seat hours
Price: $1,035.00
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Cultural Diversity in Business covers the business person’s guide to cultural, travel and information resource needs in the international arena. Specifics in negotiation, communications (verbal and nonverbal), networking, and understanding what individual countries’ needs are as far as business culture.
IMPORTANT: Please visit the College Hub for course start and end dates.
Please note: Prices are set by Arapahoe Community College and are subject to change. In the event of a discrepancy between the price shown here and the price charged during a given semester, the current semester price will prevail. For questions about pricing and participation in the college program, please call our Care team at 866.575.7206 or email customercare@ncti.com.
Learning takes place with an instructor in an online classroom and will include homework activities and weekly assignments.
Completion Time:
This is a 10-week accelerated course which will require weekly assignments and periodic online communication with an instructor. Visit link above for course start and end dates. Please note, this course is not eligible for extensions.
- appreciate and understand the skills needed to communicate effectively in the work environment with individuals from other cultures
- enhance their cultural sensitivity, understanding and competencies
- gain an in-depth cultural awareness and understanding of the impact of cultural differences in the workplace
- develop the practical skills needed to minimize cross-cultural misunderstandings and language barriers while encouraging positive cross-cultural working relationships
- earn three hours of college credit
- receive an industry-recognized NCTI certificate of graduation
Upon completing this course, students will be able to:
- define such terms as intercultural, international, intracultural, multicultural and ethnocentric
- understand the difference between norms, rules, roles, networks, subcultures and subgroups
- differentiate between ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric and geocentric management styles
- appreciate the role that values play in communicating effectively with persons from other cultures
- Learn how attribution, perception, individualism and collectivism play a role in cultural values
- Appreciate how attitude differences toward men, women, work and ethics vary with culture
- learn how differences in word meanings and how religious influences have an impact on culture
- appreciate how attitudes toward time and use of space convey nonverbal messages in intercultural encounters
- understand the role of eye contact, smell, color, touch and body language play in communicating nonverbally
- learn how silence is used to send nonverbal messages in various cultures
- know the guidelines for writing international messages in English and how writing tones and styles vary from culture to culture
- be familiar with letter formats commonly used for U.S. business firms and how they differ from formats in other countries
- know how language affects intercultural communication and how language construction, thought, perceptions and culture are linked
- understand the limits of using a second language and be aware that language differences exist even when people speak the same language
- understand how to use parables and proverbs as insight into culture
- understand cultural differences in making introductions, greeting others and customs related to the exchange of business cards
- understand how position and status affect cultural interaction and the role protocol plays in communicating with other cultures
- understand how cultural differences in dining practices may affect intercultural communication
- understand the importance of a knowledge of geography, selected history and notable personalities for successful negotiations