Delivery: Online
College Credit: 3 credit hours
Estimated Length: 45 seat hours
Price: $1,035.00
Intercultural Communications explores the link between culture and communication and will develop and/or enhance communication skills and the abilities appropriate to a multicultural society. Emphasis will be on understanding diversity within and across cultures. Relevant concepts include perception, world-view, context, ethics, language, and nonverbal communication.
IMPORTANT: Please visit the College Hub for course start and end dates.
Please note: Prices are set by Arapahoe Community College and are subject to change. In the event of a discrepancy between the price shown here and the price charged during a given semester, the current semester price will prevail. For questions about pricing and participation in the college program, please call our Care team at 866.575.7206 or email customercare@ncti.com.
Learning takes place with an instructor in an online classroom and will include homework activities and weekly assignments.
Completion Time:
This is a 10-week accelerated course which will require weekly assignments and periodic online communication with an instructor. Visit link above for course start and end dates. Please note, this course is not eligible for extensions.
- understand how to better handle conflict situations in personal, work and social settings
- see the correlation between interpersonal communication and increased success and reduced stress on the job
- identify healthy relationships
- learn the harm in avoiding conflict and instead better understand how to handle it successfully
- gain a better understanding of how non-verbal communication plays a role in communication
- earn three hours of college credit
- receive an industry-recognized NCTI certificate of graduation
Upon completing this course, students will be able to:
- Describe the impact of cultural factors on the human communication process.
- Examine the diverse perspectives in epistemology, history, and behavioral norms that create cultural differences.
- Assess the impact of cultural diversity on everyday interactions and contexts, such as business, education, and interpersonal relationships.
- Explain the impact of cultural beliefs and power structures on the communication behavior of individuals, groups, and communities in both historical and contemporary contexts.
- Assess the cultural uses of silence, nonverbal, and paralinguistic behavioral cues.
- Construct a communication plan that incorporates strategies to address gaps in cross-cultural communication and social interactions.