Delivery: Online
Estimated Length: 14 seat hours
Price: $850
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Leadership 101’s core objective is to make leadership development relevant and practical for everyone. The modules in this course will take you through the components of effective leadership framework the Leadership Essentials to give you the framework, skills and knowledge to take your leadership to the next level. The Leadership Essentials begin with authentic leadership as the foundational component to effective leadership and then moves through the “4 E’s” to give you the skills you need leverage your strengths and the strengths of others to maximize your collective impact. This online course is accompanied by an e-book Learner Workbook, which contains thought provoking exercises that are an integral part of successfully completing the course. The workbook supplements the online course by engaging students in exercises that are both personal and relevant and can be utilized immediately to guide the student in the quest to improve their leadership expertise.
To nurture communication of ideas and opinions across teams, an optional group discussion guide is provided.
Completion Time:
The estimated completion time for this course is 14 hours. The maximum allotted time is four months from enrollment.
- discover the meaning of authentic leadership
- embrace the 4 essential aspects of leadership
- receive an industry-recognized NCTI certificate of graduation
Upon completing this course, students will be able to:
- Identify the difference between personality, traits, experiences, and skills
- Describe your current leadership weaknesses and list practical ways to better manage your “shadow side” tendencies
- Overcome the four common obstacles that leaders face
- Grasp the ten core characteristics of an authentic leader
- Explain the differences between a manager and a leader
- Define Transformational Leadership
- Incorporate the six behaviors of leaders who engage
- Employ effective ways to increase your credibility and encourage truth telling
- Learn ways you can communicate your team’s values and vision to promote unity
- Craft a corporate narrative that inspires people to join a cause bigger than themselves
- Describe each of the four steps for enlisting people in a common cause
- Understand the power and impact of collaboration and apply practical steps for increasing collaboration in your workplace
- Define “empower” and describe why empowering others is necessary for leadership
- Circumvent the common barriers to empowering others
Authentic Leadership I
Authentic leadership, the three A’s of authentic leadership, know yourself, recognize your shadow side and manage your shadow side
Authentic Leadership II
Authentic leadership overview, accentuate your uniqueness, clarify your core values, align: determine your passions and desired contributions, activate: define your purpose, focus on self-discipline
Introduction to the Leadership Essentials
Leaders vs. managers, transformational leadership and introducing the 4 essentials of leadership
The Leadership Essentials: Engage
Overview of engage, the basics of engaging, know your followers and connect with them, manage and respond to emotions appropriately, grow in selfawareness and self-management and encourage truth telling
The Leadership Essentials: Enlist
The 4 E’s of the leadership essentials: enlist, the power of a common cause, clarify your vision, believe in your vision, communicate your vision and preserve your vision
The Leadership Essentials: Equip
The 4 E’s of the leadership essentials: equip, situational leadership, four ways to equip your followers, increase competence, remove obstacles, create opportunities, stretch their reach and create a learning culture built on collaboration
The Leadership Essentials: Empower
The 4 E’s of the leadership essentials: empower, empowering others, managing your power and influence, motivate, be a multiplier not a diminisher, manage performance and collaborate and celebrate wins