Delivery: Online
Estimated Length: 2 seat hours
Price: $145.00
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Techsellence is an online course designed to help you remain competitive by expanding sales opportunities while in the customer’s home. This course teaches field personnel to effectively evaluate each customer’s unique situation, use that information to introduce customers to enhanced services and products and ensure a positive customer experience. The student will learn to quickly grasp communication and observation strategies by reviewing various customer/field personnel interactions. With effective communication skills on the job, the student will proficiently drive overall customer satisfaction and increase sales.
Completion Time:
The estimated completion time for this course is two hours. The maximum allotted time is four months from enrollment.
- increase product knowledge and enhance customer contact skills
- understand practical applications to test their knowledge and help improve their job performance
- identify clues within the customers’ premises that open new sales and communication opportunities
- understand the value of caring for customers’ needs and increase customer service ratings
- increase revenue potential for enhanced services
- receive an industry-recognized NCTI certificate of graduation
- receive credit toward NCTI Master Installer certification
Upon completing this course, students will be able to:
- evaluate each customer’s situation and use that information for mutual benefit
- understand why communication skills are as important as technical skills
- react appropriately to negative customer contact
- expand their professionalism in the field and give customers one more reason to remain loyal
- use teamwork and product knowledge to improve customer satisfaction
- emphasize the importance of their role and highlight creative ways to increase customer satisfaction in light of increasing competition
- identify how to make customers more aware of enhanced services
Sales and Service Culture
Discussing fundamentals of customer service and exploring customer situations
Why is Change Needed?
Identifying purpose of customer service, discussing various communication techniques and exploring customer service benefits
How do I do it?
Defining teamwork, identifying examples of teamwork, understanding product knowledge, identifying benefits of product knowledge, determining individual level of product knowledge, examining customer scenarios and identifying clues and identifying steps to assist customers
Working with the Customer
Examining communication techniques regarding negative customer contact, identifying opportunities to upgrade and examining customer scenarios to identify communication techniques
Reviewing communication tools, re-examining steps to customer service and reviewing areas of product knowledge tied to sales opportunities