Delivery: Online
Estimated Length: 2 seat hours
Price: $180
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Very low Earth orbit (VLEO) satellite technology has come a long way over the last two decades. It is currently set to become a global competitor to traditional landline communications service providers. VLEO Internet service providers will provide high-speed data globally to virtually anyone on earth. The student of this course should already have a base knowledge of satellites, earth orbits, and antenna technologies.
Completion Time:
The estimated seat time for this course is two hours. The maximum allotted time is four months from enrollment.
- receive an industry-recognized NCTI certificate of graduation
Upon completing this course, students will be able to:
- Describe how the most common satellite orbits operate
- Describe the features of the VLEO satellite
- Describe the future characteristics of the VLEO satellite
- Explain the characteristics of global mesh networks
- Explain how VLEO carriers achieve faster connectivity
- Describe the features of self-installed antennas
- Explain the characteristics of multipath propagation
- Describe some of the opportunities for VLEO vendors
- Describe some of the challenges for VLEO satellites
- List some of the competition VLEO vendors may face
- Identify regulatory agencies for VLEO satellites
- Identify current regulations in place for beyond the earth’s orbit
- Describe some of the innovations that are being developed for the satellite industry
VLEO Satellite Wireless Access
Satellite overview, VLEO technology and deployment, non-VLEO competition